Pornoscapes. How the porn creativity spreads the Web 2.0 out.

Pornoscapes. How the porn creativity spreads the Web 2.0 out.

Seminario imparitdo por Gaia Novati (Italy/Germany) y moderado por Tatiana Bazzichelli. Mañana viernes 24 de abril de 14.15 a 16:00 en Det lille Auditorium, INCUBA Science park, Åbogade. >>>
Go, go, Gaia!

User generated content (UGC) or perhaps more correct Consumer generated content (CGC) will be the starting point for analyzing and reflecting on how interaction with and within the Internet is developing nowadays.

In the Web 2.0 the end consumer is at ease, thanks to a structure that involves, or even more envelops, him/her. The consumer owns all the useful instruments to make him/her a creator, and can reach the ability to build up his/her own subculture by him/herself. The technological advance widely and quickly achieved in all 2.0 communities makes the online sex an enviable forerunner of. The web-cam was already used when the first steps in Facebook were made.

The market and consumption of porn becomes an avant-garde when connected with the development of technologies and new media: it is a privileged prospective from which to analyze the World Wide Web and social interrelationships. Moreover the enlargement of the web community shows a potential rise of sexscapes and desires: any singular reflection on identity finds in the web an own dis-location.

Which Pornoscapes does the Net show nowadays? Are there any real alternatives to the porn industry’s billions of exploited and crude images crashing endlessly our mind? Looking at the structure of the Internet today, can we still find free zones or criticaltools? Are the concepts of sharing and open source, with their roots in pre 2.0 development and thought, still part of a common cultural heritage, and consequently, part of an alternative pornography?

  • mery
    Posted at 18:22h, 23 abril

    gracias por este post y por las info. Mery

  • Alberto Pérez (valencia)
    Posted at 23:33h, 24 abril

    Parece muy interesante. ¿Se publicará en algún lado un resumen, se transcribirá la ponencia?

    Dicho de otro modo: Vivo en otra ciudad y no puedo asistir. ¿Podré enterarme ed qué ha pasado y quién ha dicho qué?