28 Nov Phag Off ha muerto, viva Phag Off!
Los rumores se han hecho realidad, Phag Off echa la persiana. Un honor para una servidora haber participado en el proyecto con Girlswholikeporno. Todo ésto y mucho más ha sido Phag Off:
«Phag Off is a multilingusitic queer project; the dawn of a new era which produces lighting designs for a post-gay imaginary. Phag Off uses its irreverence to express what lies between new sexual identities and the radical critique to power relationships inside the g.l.b.t. community (as an historified form of expression fo the sexual differences) and the radical deconstruction of identity. Phag Off creates and ride the sexual new wave: cultural Frankenstein, freaks identities, morbid war machines.
Phag Off deconstructs inner stereotypes of gay communities: «Another sexuality is possible» Phag Off has the form of a monthly bacchanal party. A dirty mail-art-like newsletter is the track to follow; the party extreme contents are driven by: Politically incorrect vjing with d.i.y. queer porno and freeware opensource video software; Queer Music promotion – being it queer djing with a special focus on information freedom through plagiarism, bootlegs, mash ups or/and queer bands, live sets; Fanzines, Exhibitions; Spoken words and performances; Independent video presentations; Pink rallies; Partecipation to queer related festival and conferences.»
La ceremonia fúnebre, el 20 de diciembre, como no, en Roma.
Posted at 11:20h, 30 diciembreonorada de esta celebracion.
Por siempre vuestra
Posted at 15:53h, 23 abrilPhag Off ha muerto, viva Phag Off! | María Llopis great article thank you.