26 Jul I am a men eating machine, Grace said
“Corporate Cannibal”, the new Grace Jones video (directed by Nick Hooker) is utterly astonishing. Jones is 60 years old (!); and this is the first new work she has released in close to twenty years. But “Corporate Cannibal” is anything but safe and nostalgic.
“Corporate Cannibal” is the latest in a long history of Grace Jones’ reinvention of herself, via the rearrangement of her body. Jones’ performances in the 1980s can be contrasted with those of Madonna. Both singers emerged from the world of disco, and from a culture of campy performance that was largely associated with gay men. Both became gay icons, as women “performing” femininity rather than naturalizing it. Both flaunted an aggressive sexuality that was at odds with the old-style patriarchal norms of what women should be like. And both grasped the ways that this post-second-wave-feminism sexual “freedom” was deeply complicit with consumerist commodification, i.e. with the way that it was not just particular objects that worked as commodities, but that lifestyles, personalities, etc., were themselves increasingly being commodified.
Via The Pinochio theory.
Shaviro, the guy writhing on The Pinocchio Theory blog, says that Grace Jones has never looked like anyone else. Some of my lovers have said to me that I look like her.
I definitively would love to look like her when I´m 60!
Posted at 19:04h, 27 juliohola maria. bonito post. siempre a gostado de esta mujer grandissima. :) mira no has puesto los videos de vosotras… (punk feminism) ¿Que pasa?
yo y mis amigas, una de barcelona.. gostariamos mucho ver eso. ya que no estamos en barcelona para participar :(:( PLEASE. besos guapetona