15 Ago «My slutwalk speech»
By popular demand, Liad Hussein Kantorowicz has uploaded the speech she gave at the Slutwalk Berlin march. She gave it on behalf of Hydra, Berlin’s sex worker organization, and in fact her speech was one of 3, representing 3 distinct sex worker voices. Bravo Liad!
«We are here because we’ve all been called sluts or treated as sluts. As sex workers, we have to deal with facing the stigmatization of being called a slut on a regular basis, simply because of our forms of employment.
Essentially, the word ‘slut’ emphasizes the divide-and-conquer policy that is made between good and bad women. In choosing to take on the word ‘slut’, we, as women, try to reclaim the word and erase its negative connotations as well as this division between good and bad women. Us sex workers are asking for a further examination into this good-women/bad-women division, as it attempts to divide us from the general populace of women – and we will not bow down to it.
The migrants amongst us are instantly divided into good and bad women – ‘good women’ are poor innocent victims who ‘fell’ into prostitution, and want to be ‘rescued’. ‘Bad women’ are those migrant sex workers who are self-determined agents of their lives who won’t be seen as victims, who don’t want to return to their countries of origin and are supposedly ‘taking jobs allotted for germans’. Our miniskirts and migrant bodies will not serve as a punching bag for your racist and classist divisions. We demand a right to stay for everyone.
Some of us are proud sluts, because we recognize the word ‘slut’ to mean a woman who does not submit to social rules through how she lives her life, and are proud of this freedom. and some of us do not want to be seen as sluts. We see what we do for a living as our job – and only a job – not a binding definition. Both of us demand to have society respect our choices of employment and treat them as such – work. We also both demand to have the social stigma against so-called ‘professional sluts’ or sex workers, be removed.
Some of us come from countries who’s economy suffered greatly from western capitalist exploits, from western companies coming to our non-western counties to use our cheap resources and cheap labor, to make porn movies to sell in the west and pay us pennies. Companies from germany and the EU exploited our resources and destroyed our economy, leaving us jobless and poor. And when we come to Germany and western europe, and are not allowed to use our education to find good work, and are only allowed to work in jobs that other Germans don’t want to do – like sex work – how do you, german society, dare call us sluts?
We call on the men who see us all as sluts to take accountability for their narrow-mindedness, racist attitudes and the economic oppression for which they are responsible – look within yourselves first before you label us! And to everyone else here – don’t let class, ethnic and cultural boundaries keep us apart from each other. We need to work together to fight this oppression – and we can do it.
Posted at 23:40h, 21 agostoes correcta la lucha de las mujeres por la no discriminación y en ella la despenalización de la prostitución y la erradicación de la palabra puta como termino despectivo y peyorativo y que nos separa como bien dicen de mujeres buenas ymujeres mala; solo hay una clase de genero feminimo y ese es el de LA MUJER.