13 May Hard Science? Sex, Science and Technology
The theme for the 5th Annual Brighton and Sussex Sexualities Network Conference is “Hard Science? Sex, Science and Technology”. This 1-day conference will take place on Thursday 15th September 2011, 9am-6pm in Brighton.
Call for papers
Conveners of this interdisciplinary conference now welcome proposals from activists, academics, scholars, members of the LGBT community and community groups, students, documentary and film-makers, writers and artists. The closing date for the submission of proposals is July 20th 2011.
Registration for the conference will open on July 31st 2011.
Call for Papers
We encourage submissions that address a broad range of questions in research and practice on sex, sexuality, queer etc. Presentations might examine the following topics:
* Old and new media
* Hacking, hackers and techno activism
* Online identities
* Pornography
* Sexuality and disabilities
* Sex work
* Scientists, technologists and engineers
* Archives
* Human-Computer Interactions
* Drugs
* Sex toys
* Health and care
* Science fiction
* Bodies
* Digital humanities
* Crip theory
* Reproductive technologies
* Design interactions
* Queering science and technology
* Technological determinism / Social constructivism
* Virtuality
* Cyber and conic
* Medicalizations
* Embodiment and biotechnology
The conference organizers welcome proposals for (a) Individuals papers (b) Sessions (c) Round table discussions (d) workshops and (e) visual presentations or performances.
Email proposals (up to 300 words) to: [email protected]
The closing date for the submission of proposals is July 20th 2011.
Registration for the conference will open on July 31st 2011.
Merci Pornosotrx!
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