
Conferencia en el Palais de Tokio, mañana en Paris.

Beautiful Penis concerne l’éviction du « vir » de nos sociétés contemporaines. Représentations du corps féminin et masculin, non-représentation actuelle du corps masculin et plus spécifiquement du pénis, par les artistes femmes en particulier… Le choix des images comme le propos se veulent tout à la fois sérieux, tendre voire émerveillé devant tant de beauté ignorée, à réhabiliter absolument.

Qué bonitos son los penes.…

The very continued existence of the Guerrilla Girls is a reminder that the art world still has some growing to do. Last Thursday night, the feminist art activists and self-proclaimed masked avengers continued their 27-year call to action at the Brooklyn Museum. Over the course of the evening, the Girls refreshed the audience’s memory about their career as advocates for women and people of color, and offered a guided tour of the paltry representation of women in American art museums with their revised and updated “Guerrilla Girls Art Museum Activity Book.”

After nearly three decades of organizing as an anonymous group of women bringing attention to discrimination in the art world, it’s unsettling to hear that the results of their updated research are not so different from the original figures they made public in 1989, with an aggressive street poster campaign touting the single digit percentages of women’s work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Guerrilla Girls may not be straying far from their roots, but maybe that’s the point. Things haven’t changed that much.

Read the rest of the article here. Because things haven’t changed that much.…

After much waiting, we proudly & gladly present the first episode of the «Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution». Stay tuned because Herstory has just started, more episodes to come.

English subtitles are available (please click on the cc in the lower bar of the video & choose English)

The video is available in HD quality (please click on the little ring next to cc and choose HD)

Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution. Episode1: Rasha Azab. Bravo.…