08 May Where to loose oneself is erotic and to find oneself is political: Emoporn
En el Tekfestival, esta noche, en Roma:
Once upon a time there was indie porn, a field of reflection and action where libertarian forms of exploration led to an extreme deconstruction of the mysoginist and heterocentric violence of commercial pornography, substituting it with a playful, independent, feminist and queer pornography, characterized by fluctuating and self-represented bodies. We once engaged in digital forms of experimentation with online texts, where bodies became a battlefield and the forms of self-representation shifted the ethics and esthetics of “Do It Yourself” to the digital realm. Today all this has given way to the emergence of markets of social networks which sell porntainment products built around identity niches, aimed at a fifteen-second masturbation, depriving indie porn of its original subversive and experimental meaning. The main issue, in this context, has to do with the concept of “Porn Sublime,” as defined by Barbara DeGenevieve, that is the experience of knowledge/liberation that accompanies this break, the horror of pleasure, the nudity of the private as a form of politics from below. Today the last taboo is represented by the nakedness of emotion, by the exposure of emotion in a body text that has always denied it because of its anti-economic nature, impossible to represent in the identity niches that transform independent porn into a marketing tool. Emoporn aims at deconstructing the silent body, at initiating a process of desymbolization leading to a decentering of the “subliminal” through the territories of unknowable emotion; the forms of love on the border between paradise and death, in a constant landslide in the meanders of orgasm, where the process of loosing oneself is erotic and that of finding oneself is political, where “Emo” represents the blood pulsing inside vital bodies.
Agender proposes a selection of love, sex and desperation to explore these moments of transformation…pulsing bodies. The main protagonists are Katrien Jakobs, pornfeminist, net artist, producer of Amsterdam’s Netporn Conferences and Media Studies professor at the University of Hong Kong. Together with Florian Kramer, one of the founders of the Neoist movement, she will present Melktime. Tekfestival will present the bodies and desires of French director Laurance Chanfro, of American director Charles Lum, of Tuscan videoartist Pier Giorgio De Pinto, of Mancunian experimental filmmaker Kevin Rolfe aka Kbeard, of the musician and film mkaer Ango Visone, of Canadian F-to-M performer Tobaron Waxman, of the queer photo and video collective MyJemmaTemp, which will all explore the most unknown territories of emotion, where eros and thanatos unite in a pandroginous copula.
Alberto Pérez (valencia)
Posted at 17:39h, 09 mayoEl texto de presentación es estupendo. ¡Me hace temer que los contenidos presentados no estén a la altura! Aunque siguiendo los enlaces hay un par de docus que sí parecen muy interesantes… Supongo que algún día los encontraré en youtube.
Posted at 17:03h, 10 mayoHi,
Thanks for article. Everytime like to read you.
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